"There's a Fine Line between getting by and getting ahead."

Elijah Asher Fine, MS BS BS BA

Fine Line Advisory, LLC


My methods

Statistical Process Control

What are you measuring in your company? Why are you measuring it? Are you measuring what you think you're measuring, or are you tracking noise?

Enterprise Resource Planning

Your accounting software should be a help and not a hindrance. The setup and implementation are key, but regular updates to the layout are critical as your business grows and changes.

Financial Accounting

Not just recordkeeping for your firm, but useful, forward-looking information that helps you make decisions and keep score. GAAP and IRC are simply the bare minimum.

Cost Accouning

How much money do you make when you sell one additional widget? What product lines make you the most money?

Controllership, Accounting & Bookkeeping

Design, Operations, and Supervision of Financial Systems

Advisory & Planning

Tactical and Strategic Management

Process and Outcome Orientation

Michael C.

Elijah clawed back $380k in a divestiture that my regular staff was ready to walk away from. Two years later, acting as my Controller, he got me through a multi-decade IRS audit that could have been disastrous. My projects were never as clearly organized or as profitable as when Elijah was running them - we knew where we were on every job, at every moment.

Anthony B.

In September, we had just over $300k in receipts. Elijah doubled my revenues in three months while reducing my marketing spend 70%. He opened up auxiliary space that I had been sitting on for eighteen months because I didn't understand my margins: free revenues. Things are still tight, but EBITDA is positive for the first time in our start-up's history.

Happy clients


Have any questions?

If you have any questions about our services, feel free to contact us.


Fine Times